Medieval Costumes

Layering LARP Costumes for Summer Temperature Extremes

Medieval LARP Costumes

Take on the role of any character!

In selecting LARP Costumes, you should think about the locations that you will be visiting for your events. In many cases, outdoor camping areas can experience huge temperature fluctuations from day to night, making it important to consider all extremes in preparing your costume for travel. Some elements of your outfit can be lightweight, perfect for warm days. Whether you are in the woods of the New England or the extremes of the South West, summer daytime temperatures can be uncomfortably warm. In the wrong apparel, these temperatures can be deadly. It’s important to wear lightweight material that is light in color so that you don’t overheat.

High desert nights can be quite chilly, especially after a hot day. Most people visiting these areas are taken by surprise at night temperatures, and many find themselves unprepared for cool summer evenings. When you travel for your event, make sure that your LARP costumes and accessories include warm layers that can be added in the evenings. When the sun drops and things cool off, you may need to add layers a little bit at a time. Being prepared, though, will assure you of being comfortable while not missing out on any of the fun.

Pearson’s Early Season Giveaway!

Pearsons Gift Certificate

Will you be the lucky winner?

Are you feeling lucky? We sure hope so, because we’re giving away a $35 gift certificate just because we love you, our customers! We’ve made the entry simple! See the form below – there are a few quick steps to accumulate points. Like Pearson’s Facebook Page for 5 points, like this Blog post for 1 point, comment on this Blog post for 2 points, or visit our website for 3 points. The more steps you take to enter, the more points you score, the better your chances of winning!

The contest runs through Thursday, May 31st. We’ll contact the lucky winner on Friday, June 1st (What a better way to start your Friday, and June, too!)

Festival season is nearly here! A free Pearson’s gift certificate will help towards updating your looks, so enter now! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Stay Dry and in Costume with a Medieval Cloak

Pearsons Renaissance Shoppe Wool Cloak

Stay Warm and Dry in A Wool Cloak

Much of the fun of attending a Renaissance fair or festival comes from dressing the part. Donning period-appropriate footwear and garments helps attendees immerse themselves in the moment while bringing the past to life. Nothing spoils the illusion faster than modern raincoats. Protect yourself from the elements with Medieval cloaks.


You have three options when it comes to rain gear: Water-resistant, water-repellent and water-proof fabric. Water-resistant fabric offers the least protection while water-proof materials are safe from heavy rain. Water-resistant, hooded cloaks should protect you from fine mist or drizzle; a strong downpour will leave you soaked. Select fabric with a tighter weave so the rain is less likely to penetrate your cloak. Spray your cloak with a fabric-safe water repellent for better protection from rain.


Base your fabric choice on when you plan to wear your cloak. Select Medieval cloaks made from wool or velvet for chilly weather. Stick with lighter fabrics, such as cotton, for summer. Wear an unlined, twill traveler’s cloak during changeable spring weather. Match your cloak to your clothing. Wear a luxurious cloak if you’re a lady. Simple cloaks with serviceable fabrics, on the other hand, are more suitable for country maids.

Piecing Together The Perfect Medieval Themed Wedding Dress

Medieval Wedding Dresses

Will You Have A Beautiful Medieval Wedding?

Every bride wants her wedding day to be magical, memorable and mind-blowing. What better way to accomplish that goal than to cater to her deep desire for a Medieval themed wedding? Whether you’ ride in to be wed to one another on horseback, or vows will be exchanged on-location at an upcoming Renaissance Faire, one of the most essential items for the bride’s big day will be the dress. Fortunately, with an extensive line of Medieval wedding dresses and dresses for maids of honor and proper attire for the groom and his men, is here to help the wedding planners pull off the event without a hitch!

The secret to success is working closely with the bride-to-be to decide exactly what kind of bridal wear she’s looking for, then to browse through our selection to see which of our Medieval wedding dresses make the cut and which are eliminating from the running. Then, as the wedding dress is selected, the bride and her entourage can work together to select what bridesmaids, the groom, groomsmen and other important personalities will wear to the big event.

Be sure to check out the Medieval Isolde Wedding Dress. Not only is it custom-made, the level of authenticity and craftsmanship is incredible.

Renaissance Hats Protect You From Sunburn

Renaissance Hats

A Fair Hat for the Fair!

Spring and summer are wonderful times for enjoying Renaissance faires and festivals, and the time outdoors is enjoyable for the entire family. The wonderful experience of watching live action role playing activities provides a rich opportunity for the imaginative child to visualize Medieval times. It’s important, though, to take appropriate health precautions at such an event, as the early warm weather days are so beautiful that it’s easy to forget the potential for sunburn and heat sickness. Renaissance hats provide you with a fun way to protect your children’s heads from the harsh rays of the sun.

Renaissance hats are crafted in many interesting styles for both boys and girls. A coachman hat provides a fun choice for your child, and it will nicely shade his head and face in the process. Likewise, Musketeer or pirate hats provide fun, Medieval themed choices that will also shade tender little heads. Crowns and bonnets will not only shade your daughters’ heads but allow them to enjoy the frilly feel of role playing Medieval ladies and princess parts. You can search for a fun choice in advance of the summer Renaissance fairs or you might find a fun design while you are exploring a festival.

Children’s Medieval Clothing: Ignite the Magic for your Children

Medieval Childrens Costum
Be A Young Squire At The Faire!

Renaissance Faires are magical and wonderful, even for those who arrive as mere spectators. But to take the magic and excitement and wonder to the next level, there’s nothing quite like arriving in full costume, especially when you’ll be attending with little ones. The good news is that with the added charm and authentic air of Childrens Medieval Clothing, fun takes on a whole new meaning. Little boys are transformed into knights, monks and wizards while little girls are morphed into Maid Marion, Lady Guinevere and fairies. Many times, they get so excited about their clothing and costumes they forget to pester you with questions like, “Are we there yet?”

Don’t forget that the greatest costumers (you know, the ones they’ll put on at least once a week for their rest of their pre-adolescent years) always come with boots, shoes and/or accessories for the complete package of Childrens Medieval Clothing. With a little creativity and imagination, playful parents and families can work together to create a whole traveling troupe of lords, ladies and other magical medieval personalities.

Take a moment to brainstorm with your family on ways that you can make your next Renaissance Faire one you’ll never forget.

LARP Season Costumes and Convenient Reminders

Get your costumes ready for this LARP season!

This is the time of year when most Live Action Roleplaying Games, or LARPs, start to have their kick-off events. LARPers start getting their Medieval costumes back together, practicing with their weapon skills, and planning out their character’s path as they progress.

Since it has been a few months since most of us have attended a LARPing event, we wanted to put up a list of a few tips to keep in mind as you are packing for your first event of the year. These tips are handy reminders for veterans, and excellent bits of information for those planning on attending their first event ever.

-Pack extra socks: Whether you step in a puddle, you are sweating a lot, it is very cold, or there is nothing but rain, it is always a good idea to have extra pairs of socks. It will be much more comfortable for you to  put on a nice dry and clean pair of socks.

-Pack extra costuming: For all of the same reasons as the socks. In addition, if you are required to play a NPC (Non-Playable Character) you may need different clothes to make yourself stand out from your usual character.

-Snacks: A LARP weekend can be very physically demanding and you’ll need to refuel and recharge. Protein bars, fruit, and other quick snacks can help keep you going in between meals.

-Plenty of Water: Dehydration is a LARPer’s greatest enemy. Always make sure to bring plenty of water, and to drink water on a regular basis.

-Watch out for weather: Weather can be dangerous on a number of levels. A sudden thunderstorm, intense heat, extreme cold, a lot of rain when you’re situated near a river, are just some potential threats. Always make sure to keep your eyes open and take the proper precautions so that you stay safe.

Medieval Costumes Get You Ready for LARP Season

Get ready for LARP season with renaissance costumes

The end of February is not too far off, which means that Live Action Role Playing (LARP) season will be here before you know it! Many groups like to hold their first events of the year during March. This means that it is time to dig out your Medieval costumes, oil up and polish your Medieval armor, and to start practicing with your boffer or latex weapons.

What is LARPing? LARPing is a type of roleplaying that takes you away from a gaming table and actually places you inside the role of your actual character. When you create a character, you actually come up with their personality, put on a Renaissance costume, and head out to a location, such as a campsite, to act out how your character would respond to the situations that are presented to you.

In most cases, there is a game staff that comes up with the story, villains, and other characters to help immerse you within the world of the game. Then you spend the entire length of the event acting out your character as you come across various scenarios. It is both a unique and entertaining experience.

If you are thinking about attending a LARP and are in need of a costume or armor, make sure to visit our site to see all of the fun options we have available.

Another Funny LARP Story

"What? Me hungry!" said the barbarian

As you may know, in the past we have had some of our readers submit their funny LARP stories to us so that we can share them with everyone. For newer readers, LARP stands for Live Action Role Playing, and it is a game where you actually become your character and roleplay him or her out in a physical setting. Depending on the organization you are with, there can be combat with safe-for-combat weapons, while other games use other methods. It is a great place to utilize Medieval and Renaissance costuming.

This particular story starts in the town’s Medieval Tavern. Most of the players had gathered for the Saturday afternoon feast and were enjoying merriment and games. Since everyone was going to be in one location, the game directors had organized a valuable piece of information to be released to the players by way of a good old fashion tavern fight.

While everyone was enjoying their meals, the two people who were “staging” the fight were throwing taunts toward each other, gearing up for this elaborately planned affair. The tension was running high as the players were waiting to see what exactly would happen in the following altercation.

Just as one of the participants got up to draw their sword, something unexpected occurred: A player, taking the role of a barbarian, did not wish to have his meal interrupted by petty barroom antics. Before the person initiating the fight could even draw their weapon, this barbarian picked up his club and used a skill that knocks someone out for ten minutes, thus adverting the fight.

Once complete, the barbarian sat back down, looked up, and realized that everyone was looking at him. He simply shrugged his shoulders, that were covered by his Medieval Barbarian wrap, and said, “What? Me hungry!”

Please feel free to share your own funny LARP stories in the comments section!

Pearson’s Poetry!

Hear ye, Hear ye!

If you are planning on visiting a Renaissance Faire in the near future, wearing a costume can help add to the atmosphere.  Or maybe you are a seasoned veteran who loves to dress up, but you are looking for a different costume to change things up a bit.


Popular roles at a Faire are:





-Tavern Keeps



But there is one role that people sometimes shy away from: The poet. Medieval poets were often great lyricists who penned some of the most beautiful poetry that we read today. If you are looking to meet a lovely lady while at the fair, why not consider wooing her with some vibrant verses? An appropriate costume to go along with this archetype would be this Renaissance cotton poet shirt.


We also wanted to bring up this idea this week because the 22nd of December is National Haiku Day. We thought it might be fun to pair a pop-culture event with some of our Renaissance themes. Therefore, we have tried our hand at some of our own haiku.


“Cunning Rogue”


O’ Wondrous Maiden

Your vast beauty radiates.

Please bring me some ale.


“The Calm Before the Storm”


Rain, nor thunder could

draw the evil Duke from his lair

Churchmen prayed all night.


Can you come up with any? If you can feel free to post them in the comments section!