Winter LARPing Reminders

Does the weather stop your LARPing?

Now that we are well into November, most Live Action Role Playing or LARP groups have packed away their gear for the last time until the spring arrives. However, there are some groups that trek well into the winter to partake in this fantasy gaming hobby. If you are part of a group that still has events lined up for the year, we wanted to take some time to give you some winter LARPing reminders:


-Wool Cloaks: Renaissance wool cloaks are your best friends for the winter. Not only are they a dashing costume option, but they will help take the chill out of the air.


Extra Socks: Nothing is worse than cold feet. Take several extra pairs of socks with you in case you step in a puddle, it starts to rain/snow, or you are just moving around a lot. The last thing you want to do is wake up and have to put wet socks back on.


-Coffee/Tea: Packing some sort of hot beverage is an excellent way to warm yourself up. If your camp has a “Tavern,” you can ask the person tending the tavern to heat it up for you then serve it to you in a period-appropriate cup. They also make those self heating drinks now that you can keep with you in your cabin before you go to bed.


Fire Consciousness: Although a fire will keep you warm, just make sure you follow safe procedures. Keep everything in a fire ring, pit, or place, don’t go to bed leaving a fire unattended, and if you are having a dry winter, make sure that sparks don’t catch your clothing or dry leaves on fire.


Hopefully with these tips you’ll stay warm and dry while LARPing in the winter.

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