Thunderstorm Awareness for LARPers: Part 2

Last week we brought you a post that demonstrated the various signs that you can use to identify an approaching thunderstorm.  We wanted you to be able to have a way to know when you should seek shelter to protect both your Medieval clothing, and your lives.

But what happens if you are far away from shelter and a storm arrives rapidly?  What are you going to do?  If you keep the following tips in mind, and put them into practice, you will be able to ride out the storm.

1. Don’t Panic:  Although a thunderstorm is bad, it is not the end of the world.  By remaining calm, and taking notice of your surroundings, finding a safe place for you and your fellow campers can be very easy.

2. Get Out of the Open:  Lightning is drawn high points.  If you’re in the middle of an open field, that makes you the highest point.  The best plan would be to get indoors, but if that is not possible, at least get out of the open.

3. Avoid Tall Structures/Trees:  While you’re seeking shelter from tip #2, make sure it isn’t something extremely tall, such as a large tree, radio tower, etc. Lighting will also be drawn to these tall objects, so avoiding them is a must.  If an indoor shelter is not possible, consider finding a ditch or ravine so that you become lower than your surroundings.

4. Split Up:  Lighting has the capability of striking multiple people who are grouped together. Make sure to put some space between all of the members of your group so that the lightning does not travel from person to person.  You can stay within sight of your group, just so long as you are not all huddled together.

5. Remove Metal:  Lighting is also attracted to and flows through metal.  Make sure to avoid metal structures and to remove any metal jewelry or accessories, like weapons or armor, that you may be wearing or have with you..

6. Get Out of Water:  Lighting flows through water.  Even if the lightning strikes a body of water hundreds of yards away, the current can still flow for a very long time.  If you are swimming or boating, get out of the water immediately.

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