Renaissance Costumes: Build Your Theater’s Wardrobe

The right costumes can make or break the play

If you belong to a community theater, you know that you have to work hard to get as much out of the limited budget as possible. Each time you can find ways to save money, the more you can add to your overall performance.


One way to reduce costs for your company is to have an established wardrobe room. Having a wardrobe or costume room that you are continuously adding to means that you will accumulate a wealthy selection over time. When you have such a diversity of costumes to pick from, that means you will be more likely to find the correct costume for whatever show you plan on performing.


A popular style costume that can be used in a multitude of eras are Renaissance costumes. Whether you are working on something Shakespearean, Medieval, or any type of general historical setting from the Renaissance era, this style of costume can apply. Whenever there is a play with a King, a Queen, or nobility, these dresses or robes will certainly add a sense of atmosphere to your show. You can find these types of costumes at, so that you can start building up the wardrobe at your theatre.

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