Palace Guard Journal: Day 3

Find the perfect monk's robe

‘Tis day three of my post in the watchtower.  I know in my last entry I said I was going to record exciting events in this journal, but I’ve come to learn that exciting events need to actually happen before they can be recorded.

Let’s see, so far I’ve observed the following coming through the gate:  A wandering minstrel, a suitor for the princess, a company of soldiers returning from patrol, and several merchants looking to sell their wares.  Exhilarating.  It doesn’t seem like anything exciting is happening in the entire kingdom however, as I spoke with some of the soldiers who had returned and they had reported finding nothing out of sorts.

I am about to end my shift for the day and return to my home.  Though, as I glance toward the gate one last time I noticed that we have a new arrival.  They appear to be monks.  That is peculiar, as we do not have any monasteries within the castle walls.  But their monk’s robes clearly define who they are.  Perhaps they are seeking an audience with the Queen.

No mind.  The Captain is escorting them personally.  Back to day dreaming until I can climb down from my post.

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