Medieval Weddings

Are you starting to plan you wedding ceremony?  If so, first we offer you our congratulations.  Are you a history buff, Renaissance faire enthusiast, or fantasy fan?  If you are, then may we suggest having a Medieval wedding?

Medieval weddings can be extremely entertaining.  Not only does the bride get to wear a Medieval wedding dress, but everyone else in the wedding party will wear appropriate Medieval clothing.  Ideally, everyone who attends will put on some sort of Renaissance costuming to help maintain the atmosphere.

Afraid it may be too difficult to secure a member of the clergy or a fitting location that will cater to your Medieval desires?  A way around this situation is to first have a normal or simple ceremony to celebrate your union.  Then you can invite your friends and family to a “reaffirming of vows,” where you can celebrate with all of your Medieval regalia.

After all, it is your special day and you should be able to have it on your terms.

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