Medieval Costumes for Fantasy Races

Choose the right costume for your character

If you are considering designing your first LARP character but aren’t quite sure on your costume, then this post is for you. Most LARPs or Live Action Role Playing games, are fantasy based, which means that many of the races made popular in fiction are available for playable characters.

But what type of costuming should you wear depends upon the race that you play. Hopefully we will be able to address that for you. Please keep in mind however, that these suggestions are based upon general fantasy settings. The LARP you attend may have a very specific take on a particular race, so it is encouraged to learn as much about the game setting before making any major decisions.

Humans: Humans are wonderful in the sense that they are so adaptable. Whether you want to be a noble, a warrior, a farmer, a tavern keep, or the town crier, you can wear almost anything you want, so long as it fits the Medieval theme.


Elves: Elves are generally regarded as somewhat of a regal race. They are usually fair, elegant, and refined. They are also drawn toward magic, and their fine clothing reflects this. An elf may wear something along the lines of this Medieval wool cloak. Most games also have a branch of Wood Elves, who live off of nature and have a deep respect for all that the woods have to offer. They typically use the land to live and are expert archers, hunters, and trackers. This Elven Prince Brocade tunic is an excellent example of this type of Elf.

Dwarf: Dwarfs are categorized as miners, craftsmen, cooks, or tavern keeps. They are a hearty race with a passion for good food, good drink, and treasure. Dwarves are also very stubborn, and will never back down from a fight and therefore make excellent warriors. For a craftsmen, this Innkeepers vest may be appropriate, while a fighter may consider this leather jerkin.


Orcs: Orcs are a green-skinned race who are usually cited for their incredible strength and battlefield prowess. Although they can take on other trades, fighting is usually their profession. Often hot headed, difficult to reason with, and at times brutal, a pack of Orc raiders are not a welcomed site. Unlike Elves, Orcs do not care about refinery and only wear clothing that is beneficial to them. That is why this woolen tunic is an ideal choice for an Orc.


We hope that these ideas have been useful to you and that whatever character you decide to play, that you have an amazing time.

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