Medieval Cloaks Help You Remain Undetected

Stay hidden in these cloaks

If you are a LARPer looking in the Medieval cloaks section, that means one of two things.

One: You want to stay warm and dry.

Two: You’re playing a rogue.

Although the darker Medieval cloaks you can find at Pearsons are very adept at helping you hide in the darkness, that doesn’t mean you are all in the clear. If you don’t practice other stealthy actions, people will be alerting the night watchman. Here are some tips you can use while you are out at the LARP to try to remain hidden while you are sneaking around.

-Stick the edge of fields. If you have no other choice but moving through a field, don’t walk through the middle of it, stick to the edges. At night, peoples eyes play tricks with them and staying near the edge of field, especially if it is wooded, helps play into this. The dark background of the forest will help obscure you so long as you move carefully.

-Look for big trees.  If you must move through the woods move slowly and carefully. Quick movements will always draw attention. Try to plot your path from big tree to big tree. If someone happens by, you can try to use your cloak to help you blend into to the dark or into the tree. If there is a source of light, make sure to stay to the opposite side of it so you don’t end up being highlighted.

-Watch where you step. If you can find a softer surface to walk on, you’ll make less noise. Branches, dry leaves, and heavy gravel are all poor choices. Pine needles, dirt paths, grass patches, and minimal gravel are better choices. If you aren’t sure, ease your weight on to the surface to see if any noise will be made before you use your full weight.

With these tips, hopefully you will remain invisible to your enemies.

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