Palace Guard Journal: Day 5

LOST! Have you seen this necklace?

The sun has risen on the fifth day of my guard tower duty. I’m somewhat groggy because last night our Captain summoned us. The daughter of the Baron had reported that her necklace, which was a family heirloom, had been reported missing.

My company was tasked with searching the entire palace for this piece of Medieval jewelry. We had to rouse everyone from their chambers, search from top to bottom, uncover every stone. We were afraid we’d even have to check chamber pots.

Despite our exhaustive search, we were unable to procure the locket. We know that it is likely that tomorrow the entire town will be on lockdown. Since I am posted in the tower the overlooks the main gate, I know I’m going to be the one to break the bad news to people who want to leave the town for the day. I hope they remember the phrase: “Don’t  shoot the messenger.”

I’m not looking forward to this day.

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