Will the Internet Lead to a Modern Renaissance?
One of the greatest joys of the Internet, besides captioned pictures of cute animals, and YouTube adding millions more options to funny video shows previously only available on television, is the fact that there is an overwhelming amount of information on here. It’s not a bad thing – in fact, it’s great!
We may be on the verge of another Renaissance, and the Internet is the new printing press! Never before has there been a time in history that offered the ease at which one can learn new knowledge, gain mastery of a skill, and create, distribute, and discover great art and artists. Just look at websites like Etsy.com and deviantART.com for creative craftsmanship and unique art as a small but important example.
With Etsy and deviantART, you can find artisanal projects, forged from the hands of modern day masters, who have spent countless hours in workshops, garages, and studios, slaving away to bring a thought, a feeling, a memory to life. Tell me that’s not done in true Renaissance fashion – and I don’t mean cod pieces and tunics! Minstrels no longer have to wonder, scholars no longer need hide away in monasteries or foreign universities. Websites like PureVolume.com and Facebook.com offer a whole new outlet for musicians. Want to learn more about a subject, or maybe learn something new entirely? Sites like OpenCulture.com offer free courses from some of the best colleges in the world.
So indeed the question must be asked: Will the Internet lead to a Modern Renaissance? Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s already here! What do you think?